
08 July 2010

Here and There

Here are a couple of random pictures that I have taken since I arrived in Montana last week. My camera broke..we had a back up camera and we needed I haven't really taken that many pictures but really..I've only been here a week so I'm not too worried about it!

Here is the ol' farmer filling water jugs up with glacier
water spilling out of the side of the Mountain!
This is Liquid Gold in my book!

My most favorite detached garage ever!!! I will take a
picture of all if it before I leave. I will recreate this garage one day!
Got any dam questions?? This is the Hungry Horse Dam built in the 50's.
We were able to drive across it! Pretty amazing!

Beautiful field of ... yellow. We are not sure what it is but it looks like some type of crop. Mustard?


  1. The glacier water tastes excellent and is a good substitue for Paluxy water while away from home. Keeps me strong and healty!

  2. yummmmmy no chlorine...just plain ol' mother nature's goodness
