
23 June 2011

Just a Couple Drops of Rain but What a Beautiful Evening...

While I was showing the kitties how to do a rain dance in the garden the clouds started to form and turn dark grey. I could see in the distance plenty of rain falling down on top of the exhausted earth..but would we get any?? I've been watering day in and day out just to try to keep my parched plants alive...but really I can survive without plants, I hope and pray for the farmers and ranchers out there that depend on rain to put food on their table (and pay cable bills). Will we get any?

A drop here and there but nothing extraordinary. Alas...I went inside to check on my laptop to find out what the future held on ... but my internet is so slow out here in the country that I couldn't pick up the radar..Just got do it the ol' fashion way and go outside again and watch it.

As I stepped out was like I was stepping out into another world. Like I was wrapped up in a blanket of cool warmth and glow. Almost dark due to the clouds but the sun was setting and the light filtered through casting this amazing light around the farm. What a sight to see. I grabbed my camera, hoping I could capture this moment..just a point and click camera but I think I was able to get a hint of the feeling..nothing like being part of it. As I was clicking here and there...I looked up and to my amazement, a rainbow in the dark clouds. It didn't seem like it should be there but it was and I felt comfort. Knowing that it was there to say hello.. hello from my dear beloved Riely.

I captured it and am very thankful for going out to observe nature "the old fashioned way" ...not by watching it on TV or on the internet.

After the sun finally settled into sleep under the covers of the dark grey clouds...the rain started to drizzle..I sat outside on the front porch to watch the lightening and hear the thunder roll across the Texas sky. Not much moisture, but I'll take this magical moment any day.

Rainbow at Night

Sky of Many Colors

Our very own "Going to the Sun" Road in Bluff Dale, TX

Sky on Fire


  1. oh Shelbie, I love this blog and all your post. You are such a sweet girl with a heart of gold. The pictures and the way you describe the night is, as you say, magical. And I teared up a bit thinking of your sweet little kitty, Riley. He really did that just for you! Hope to see you soon!

  2. Thank you Cindy! Got a little sentimental on this one but might as well say what the heart thinks. I dreampt of Riely the night he had passed and I saw him rolled on his back, happy as can be on a rainbow colored braided rug...I was kind of disappointed b/c it wasn't a rug I recognized..but then in the days following I came across a read that talked about rainbows associated with heaven and of course the 'rainbow bridge'. I know he is happy and seeing the rainbow almost to the day of when we became a family 7 years ago really gives me comfort yet still breaks my heart of the loss.

  3. Very magestic moment indeed! It is always uplifiting and conforting knowing those that are no longer on this earth, give you a sign to say they love you, are watching over you and let you know they are always around is some shape, form, or fashion. I you believe in this then those you love never die and will always be with you!
