26 March 2012

Wistful Spring

We have been working here and there around the house this weekend. It is amazing what a little (really a lot) of mowing can do to a place. My hands are dry and crackly with all the weeding and digging in the dirt.

I love it.

Now if you told my 16 year old self that I would enjoy doing these types of tasks, I never woulda thunk it. My dad still laughs at my lifestyle ways...growing up I was sooo messy it was ridiculous. He would joke that a bomb went off in my closet or in the bathroom...clothes were EVERYWHERE. Now I'm pretty tidy and a little OCD about where everything goes. On occasion I will lax a bit, but my 16 year old self (while rolling my eyes at him after he tells me to clean my room, the cleaning lady is coming tomorrow!) would never think I would be more
like my dad 12 years later

But when I turned 18, I started dreaming of having a garden and growing 'things' (yes things..wasn't real sure what you could grow in your own dirt...) and maybe even tending a kitty farm and the like. Where did this come from?
I believe it came from traveling across Europe and experiencing and shadowing the Europeans' lifestyle. When I was 21, I remember distinctly telling my best friend/roommate that I cannot wait to give up paper towels and begin my daily use of linen napkins and never look back! She looked at me like I was crazy.

Well, now at 28 this ol' gal has achieved a lot of her naive dreams. I now know you can grow a lot of things in your own dirt (carrots! beets! Swiss Chard!)
and I definitely use my linen napkins every day.
I'm still working on a kitty farm...it gives Farmer a severe headache thinking about it for Eleanor had herself a cat ranch (yes! I read letters from the 60s referring the farm as the cat ranch).

It's a wistful kind of life and if you are smart about your next move, the wistful can become reality. It may be small or people may look at you like you are crazy...but if you accept your crazy ideas and they make you happy, then does it really matter?



  1. Good words to live by and am glad your dreams/wants have become reality.

    One Kitty is plenty!!!

  2. I love this post! You and farmer are living out your dreams on this great place! You both have old souls with open hearts for the love of the simplier way of life.
    (But that does require lots of hard work!) I am proud of you!
